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 Recipes for Cast Iron Cooking 
Cooking With Cast Iron Ware
In addition to the health benefits,  good-quality Japanese Cast Iron Ware will help to improve your cooking techniques due to its special features.   Cast-Iron heats up slowly, holds the heat, and cooks evenly. For these reasons, Cast-Iron is indispensable for dry-roasting grains, seeds, nuts and flour as well as numerous other cooking styles.

Cast-Iron Tempura Pots or "Dutch Oven" shaped pots are best for deep-frying tempura, boiling pasta, or for making slow soups, sauces or baking casseroles.

Cast Iron Skillet/Fry Pan is ideal for long, slow sautéing of vegetables, such as kimpura and nishime-style dishes as well as for making delicious fried rice, noodles and croquettes or for baking cakes.

A Cast-Iron Wok has a unique, inverted round shape and is perfect to use for quick sautéing and stir-frying since it gives steadier, more even heat while cooking.

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Natural Import Company

170 Chilly Bowl Road

Rutherfordton,  NC 28139