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Other Miso Recipes 
 Recipes for Hatcho Miso 

Hatcho Miso has no grain added and thus takes longer to ferment, usually a minimum of two years. Known as the "emperor's miso" and highly prized in Japan, it is an excellent medicinal, hardy, deep robust miso. The miso is placed in giant cedar casks. then covered with a wooden pressing lid and 6,000 pounds of stones placed as a pyramid on top. This tremendous pressure, along with the relatively small amount of water, enables Hatcho Miso to be made with considerably less salt than other long-aged misos. This famous miso is the most revered in all of Japan. Made by the Kakukyu family for 17 generations (425 years)! In 1892, Hatcho Miso Company received the even more prestigious honor of becoming the purveyor to the emperor of Japan. Today, busloads of tourists visit the 8th Street shop to see where the emperor's and shogun's miso is made. However, you don't have to be a samurai, or even live in Japan, to enjoy Hatcho miso. Since 1971, Mitoku Company has been exporting this same miso to natural food distributors around the world. Unpasteurized. Aged 24-30 Months.

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