____________________________________________________________________________________________ Natural Import Company Newsletter Letter From the Top... Dear Friends, Recently, Crystal and several other employees of mine had the opportunity to attend a lecture and book signing given here locally in Asheville by John Belleme and his wife and co-author, Jan. They were announcing their latest book entitled Japanese Foods That Heal. John spoke about the special medicinal benefits of miso and presented a slide show featuring his apprenticeship at Onozaki Miso Company during the late 1970's. Crystal came back raving about how interesting and inspiring the talk had been and how it reassured her career choice and commitment to continue to offer the highest quality, authentic Japanese healing foods into the future. Everyone was impressed that miso is only one example of the variety of medicinal quality foods which originate in Japan.
For over fifteen years I have had the pleasure of working with Jan and John on various projects and must say they are both remarkably skilled as researchers and writers. Not to mention, Jan is the only gaijin (Japanese term for foreigner) I have ever met that cooks a perfect ito soba! John comes from a very prestigious background in research biology and has applied this expertise to his thorough explanation of the benefits of Japanese traditional foods. Of all the books out there explaining the amazing medicinal benefits of natural Japanese foods, I highly recommend adding "Japanese Foods That Heal" to your private collection.
For the month of March, I have asked Crystal to pick some of her favorite recipes from the book to share with you. Jan has a talent for blending Japanese and Western foods as her recipes are unique and incredibly tasty.
Hope you all had a great St. Paddy's Day and Have a Happy early Easter! 
Bruce S. Macdonald President PS- Sorry for the delay in getting this mailed out. Since our first newsletter in November we have had so many people sign-up that we have had to upgrade our server twice! Thanks for your interest and patience... ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Why Japanese Foods That Heal is a "Must Read"...
A comprehensive and authoritative guide to the healing powers of Japanese foods, this book includes an in-depth look at over eighteen traditional ingredients, including miso, shiitake, toasted sesame oil, tofu, amazake, and seitan. Each food item is given its own chapter, which includes a detailed discussion of the nutritional and medicinal benefits, how to make it or buy it, cooking with it, and recipes featuring it. This book also features a pronunciation guide, which is great for ordering from restaurants or shops, and a guide to composing meals. A time-honored healing tradition for a healthier you! Includes 125 easy-to-follow recipes for delicious meals, great tips and a forward by Christina Pirello...Read More About the Authors: John and Jan Belleme are leading authorities on the healing powers of traditional Japanese foods. In 1979, after living and studying in Japan for over a year at the Onozaki Miso Company, the Bellemes returned to the United States where they co-founded several Japanese food manufacturers. Up until recently, the Bellemes worked as the US representatives for the Mitoku Company, Japan's leading export company of Japanese natural foods. John and Jan are the authors of four previous books and dozens of articles on the subject of traditional Japanese food. They continue to travel and give lectures and every winter co-organize a week-long health cruise in Florida. They reside in the small town of Saluda, North Carolina. Praise for Japanese Foods That Heal... Wonderfully straightforward and informative, I learned much about the beneficial properties of the foods discussed in the book. Every recipe I've tried is concise and the results have been universally splendid. - John D. Paine, "Learning to Live Macro"
"AAA+++!!!" -Ruben Shapir, Amazon.com There are 18 ingredients in the book - including miso, sesame oil, tamari, amazake, kuzu, brown rice vinegar, noodles, tofu, and sea vegetables, to name a few. Each chapter is dedicated to one item, and covers the history, traditional harvest and preparation, health benefits, recipes, and how to find/buy here in the US.
It is a great resource book, has interesting information and history, and ties in so many of the things I have read in the current traditional foods and fermentation books that it all just clicked. Definitely a good read. - Denise C. Scorch, Cook,Eat,Think _________________________________________________________________ Crystal's Corner
Oatmeal Bath - A good old-fashion Oatmeal Bath can do wonders
for your skin! Oats provide for an incredibly soft, soothing and milky
bath and are very useful for various skin problems. Oats gently
exfoliate the skin ridding the surface of...Read More
Japanese Young Barley Tea - The gentle, low-temperature juice extraction and
spray-dry method of capturing the nutrients in green plants was
originally developed and patented by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara in Japan
and perfected over several decades of intensive research. Dr. Hagiwara
initially concluded that, of all the many green foods he studied,
barley grass was the most nutritionally well-balanced. He was then faced with the task of developing...Read More ___________________________________________________________ |  An inside view of John & Jan Belleme's Book: Japanese Foods That Heal
 Authors: John & Jan Belleme | This Month's Feature: Japanese Foods That Heal
By John & Jan Belleme   Crystal's Picks: Seasonal Recipes 
Samurai Miso Soup This past St. Patrick's Day I served up a hot bowl this powerful soup made from Hatcho Miso and fresh green Kale. Great for early spring while a chill is still hanging in the air. Tokugawa, the most famous Samurai, was said to...read more 
Dilled Potato Salad Potato salad is a sentimental favorite, and this version is terrific. Strangely enough, we (the authors) got the idea for it from a friend in rural Japan...read more

Amazake Tea Scones The Scots invented scones to eat with their afternoon tea. They have always known that for best results...read more _______________________ Questions or Comments? Contact us, we'd love to hear from you! e Gift Certificates
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