Eden OG Pinto Beans - 16 oz.
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Ingredients: Organic pinto beans
Cooking Suggestions: Pinto Beans make the perfect natural "refried" bean dish. Pintos blend well with the spicy flavors of so called, Tex-Mex cooking. They are easy to cook-up and make a great bean-dip as they have a smooth, yet meaty texture.
Packaging: Box
U.S. organic family EDEN pinto beans are an all-purpose, rosy, pink bean with a sweet, appealing taste and creamy texture. Pinto beans are the most widely grown and most popular bean in America. Beige with splashes of a rose pink when dry, pintos turn a pale rose color when cooked. The word pinto means ‘painted’ in Spanish. The artist Jackson Pollock called them little painted canvases. Pinto beans are interchangeable with black turtle beans in Mexican cuisine, both are widely used and enormously popular in soups and stews. Pintos are featured in the Italian pasta and bean soup, Pasta Fagioli. Packed in one of the most environmentally friendly packages there is, organic EDEN Dry Pinto Beans come in 1 lb. boxes of recycled and recyclable paperboard. Organic Pinto Beans are a favorite in America due to the popularity of southwestern dishes, such as the famous Mexican"taco." Pinto beans are in the same family as kidney beans and are one of the most common bean grown in North America .