Hokkaido Black SoyBeans -5 lb.
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Ingredients: Japanese Hokkaido-Island Black Soybeans (kuromame)
Packaging: Bag
Mitoku Black soybeans are much tastier and easier to digest than yellow soybeans, and those grown in the rich volcanic soil of Hokkaido are prized above all others. Soak black soybeans for 10 to 12 hours, and boil them. Do not pressure cook.
Black soybeans symbolizing health, are an important part of the traditional Japanese New Year's feast. Soak 1 cup black soybeans for 10-12 hours, drain, and bring to a boil with 5 cups of water. Skim off foam, lower heat, cover and simmer until beans are tender (3-4 hours). Add water as needed. When tender, add 1/4 teaspoon sea salt and simmer, uncovered, to reduce liquid. When liquid is almost gone, add 2 teaspoons shoyu and simmer a few minutes more.